Available units and compounds

Greendale Business Park offers industrial and warehouse units and secure compounds with a full range of on-site services. Existing units at the Business Park range in size from 1,000 square feet (93m2) to 50,000 square feet (4,645m2). Flexible lease terms allow us to continue to accommodate the requirements of each organisation as their needs change, building strong relationships over many years. See below for available units and compounds.

Compound 45 – Greendale West

Rare opportunity to take on commercial space at Greendale Business Park, West Zone. Secure open storage land. Other occupiers in the vicinity include
Westexe Storage, DHL, FedEx, AO.com, Kier, Suez. Close to Exeter, good connections to M5.

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Site facilities

Tenants of Greendale Business Park benefit from a wealth of on-site amenities and facilities, including super-fast broadband; sustainably-sourced electricity (currently produced by the Park’s AD plant); white and red diesel fuel and AdBlue pumps; 24-hour CCTV; out-of-hours security patrols; plant and machinery hire; and a fast and responsive on-site maintenance and building delivery team.

About facilities

Meet our tenants

Greendale Business Park is currently home to more than 100 companies; some are major national names, others are smaller, more niche businesses, but all of them see the value in the Park’s strategic location and amenities. Offering a variety of products and services, this wide range of thriving companies is a good indication that businesses flourish at Greendale.

Our tenants